STiLL - ESCA Workshop on
Speech Technology in Language Learning

Stockholm, Sweden, May 25-27, 1998


Print this form, fill it in and fax it to +46 8 790 7854 or send to STiLL, att Cathrin Dunger, Speech Music and Hearing, KTH, SE-100 44 Stockholm, SWEDEN

Name: __________________________________________________________________________________________________

Affiliation: ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Mailing address: _____________________________________________________________________________________


Phone:______________________________________________ Fax: ______________________________________________

E-mail: _________________________________________________________________________________________________

I would like to participate in STiLL as a
[ ] full participant
[ ] student (proof should be sent to STiLL, att Cathrin Dunger, Speech Music and Hearing, KTH, SE-100 44 Stockholm, SWEDEN or faxed to +46 8 790 7854)

[ ] I am an ESCA member. Membership #_______________________

[ ] I am potential exhibitor. Please contact me.

[ ] Full participation - non-ESCA 485 ECU [ ] Full participation - ESCA 440 ECU
[ ] Student - non-ESCA 350 ECU [ ] ESCA-student 335 ECU

[ ] Shared double room - deduct 80 ECU [ ] Arriving Monday 25 - deduct 50 ECU
[ ] After April 1 - add 50 ECU

Total amount paid (ECU): _______________________

[ ] Money is transferred to Postgirot Bank, SE-105 06 Stockholm, SWEDEN, account 1 56 53 - 9, payable to STiLL / ESCA / TMH / KTH
[ ] A check is sent to STiLL, att Cathrin Dunger, Speech Music and Hearing, KTH, SE-100 44 Stockholm, SWEDEN
[ ] Visa [ ] Master Card [ ] American Express

Credit card #:__________________________ Expiration date:________________________
