
Project period: 96 03 - 98 02

Keywords: Speech recognition database, telephone services

Project description
Due to the progress reached in speech processing technology more and more powerful voice driven teleservices can be implemented, which allow easy access to: information services (train table information), transaction services (home shopping), call processing services (voice mail handling) via the telenetwork. To implement these language specific spoken language resources, i.e. speech databases, lexica and related tools are needed. In order to be competitive with American companies starting with a large monolingual market the consortium of SpeechDat will lay the ground for European companies to be competitive when starting with a multilingual environment. The project aims at producing speech databases realising a large coverage of languages and applications. The main features are: coverage of applications (application-oriented words, phonetically rich sentences, spontaneous utterances, speaker verification), coverage of the 11 official European languages and variants, coverage of speaking styles (commands, carefully pronounced and spontaneous speech), coverage of environmental influences (mobile and fixed telephone network). Around 5000 speakers will be recorded for the official languages over the fixed network, while there will be 1000 speakers for the language variants, the mobile recordings (5 languages) and the speaker verification recordings (3 languages). For validation and distribution of the data bases the European Language Resource Association (ELRA) will be involved in the project. The following languages (and variants) will be covered: Danish, Dutch, Flemish, British English, Welsh, Finnish, French, Belgian French, Swiss French, Luxembourgish French, German, Swiss German, Luxembourgish German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish and Finnish Swedish.

Home page of the SpeechDat project