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In the News


ANSA: March, 22nd 2000
"Svezia: ricercatore italiano inventa la musica ''umorale''"

Ansa is ltaly's leading news agency and the fifth largest news agency in the world. 
News delivered to 51 Italian newspapers,


Svenska Dagbladet måndagen den 18 november 2003
"Armar och ljud styr datorspel - Forskare på KTH tar fram spel som får deltagarna att röra sig"

Dagens Nyheter fredagen den 24 oktober 2003
"Datorspelet som styrs av känslor"

NEW Il Sole 24 Ore, @lfa: January 31st 2003
Svezia. Scienza come tradizione. Un successo fatto di cultura - Molte opportunità per studenti e ricercatori italiani.

Svenska Dagbladet: October 8th 2002
"Ring - till riktiga toner"

Svenska Dagbladet: June 18th 2000
"Rossinis aria har samma struktur som jordbävningen"

Il Gazzettino: March 23rd 2000
"Un software in grado di trasmettere diversi stati emozionali
Ricercatore trevigiano inventa la musica "umorale""

Il Gazzettino: March 24th 2000
"Conegliano. L'ingegnere elettronico Roberto Bresin racconta la sua scoperta - 
«Ho inventato il telefonino che interpreta le emozioni di chi chiama»"

Il Sole 24 Ore is Italy's leading economic newspaper.
Svenska Dagbladet
is one of the Swedish national newspapers.

Il Gazzettino is Nordeast Italy's leading newspaper.


Scientific American Mid : July 2009
Roberto Bresin and colleagues work cited in the article: "Why Music Moves Us"

Musikermagasinet (MM) : NR 3, 2004
"Swing it, datorn!"

Aftonbladet IT : January 10th-11th 2000
"Ekorr'n satt i datorn"

Veneto Internet Press : March 22nd 2000
"La musica umorale"

Veneti nel Mondo: April 5th 2000
"Emozioni a suon di bit: basta uno squillo per comunicare agli amici il proprio stato d'animo"

"Veneti nel Mondo" is an official magazine of the Veneto region .


January 2001

  • Swedish Radio P2: Anders Friberg was interviewed in a program from "Vetenskapsredaktionen"
August 7th 2001 August 24th 2001
  • SR P2: Johan Sundberg was interviewed in the program "Mitt i musiken". 
May 12th 2000
  • NRK P2: Roberto Bresin and Anders Friberg were interviewed in the program "Midt i musikken" 
May 9th 2000
  • SR P1: Roberto Bresin and Anders Friberg were interviewed in the program "Vetandetsvärld" (broadcasted 3 times). 

March 23rd 2000

  • RadioRai1 : news in the regional news for the Veneto region (broadcasted 3 times).  
  • RadioRai2 : Roberto Bresin gave a live interview in the Caterpillar program at 7.00 p.m. Some sound examples from our web site were also played live. 
  • Radio24 : Giornale Radio, Roberto Bresin was interviewed via telephone, some sound examples were also broadcasted. The interview was broadcasted during the evening and night news. 
March 24th 2000
  • Radio Capital : a telephone interview to Roberto Bresin was broadcasted in the program "CAFFE' " at 6.40 a.m. and at 12.43 p.m. 
  • Radio24 : Giornale Radio, same interview was broadcasted every our.  

NR P2 is the cultural radio channel of the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation.
RadioRai 1 and 2 are radio stations of Italy's public broadcasting system.
Radio24 is the radio station of "Il Sole 24 Ore", the biggest economics newspaper in Europe.
Radio Capital is the radio of the Espresso group .
SR P1 is the talk radio channel of the Swedish Broadcasting Corporation.
SR P2 is the music radio channel of the Swedish Broadcasting Corporation.


ABC nytt, TV2, October 26, 2003
The game Ghost in the Cave was presented

July, 2001
Anders Friberg was interviewed live in the news program "SVT morgon" about ring tones for mobile phones.

September 4th 2001, 18.30 (repeat September 9th, 10.30 and May 28, 2002)
SVT1 : Hjärnkontoret (in Swedish)

Fall, 2001
Anders Friberg answered questions about minor and major tonality in the program "Jorden är platt" produced by "Utbildningsradion".

December, 2001
Roberto Bresin appeared in "Söndagsöppet" before christmas where he analysed the the shaking sound of a parcel in order to predict the content. 


August 5th 2001

Il Nuovo : Il cellulare cambia suoneria a seconda dell'umore (in Italian)

August 6th 2001

ANANOVA : Caller's ringtones 'to depend on mood'

IDG.se : Låt humöret avgöra ringsignalen (in Swedish)

August 7th 2001

Gula sidorna e-handel : Humöret avgör ringtonen (in Swedish)

August 9th 2001

TELEFONINO.NET : La suoneria del cellulare dipende dallo stato d'animo (in Italian)

August 24th 2001

NOW : Mood Melody: Emotional ringtones on cell phones reveal the caller's mood.

September 9th 2001

TELIA MOBILE : Humöret avgör.

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