This is a simplified physical model proposed by me for the larynx during VVM phonation mode, which produces similar sounds to those from the Tibetan Chant tradition. Below, the vocal folds (m1,m2) and above, the false or ventricular folds (m3). In this example, vocal folds oscillate at a frequency which is twice as that of the ventricular folds. The letters m stand for mass, k for stiffness, and r for damping coefficient. Indexes r-l stand for left and right sides, respectively. |
However, a few of them might be listened by tolerant and attentive ears. They are presented below. The first group of sound files refers to Paper VI of my thesis, which are identified with the Tibetan Chant voice, and other extended vocal effects investigated in the paper. FILES IN REAL AUDIO FORMAT Vocal-ventricular sounds (used in Tibetan and Mongolian "undertone" singing): 0.Original sounds from the Gyuto Monastery, Tibet 1.Fixed fundamental and sweeping overtones 2.f0/2 and f0/3 VVM 3. An imitation of a Tibetan Chant context (rather similar to 0, above) 4. Popeye the Saylor used VVM !! (an original recording from a William Costello's version) 5. VVM and flute improvisation 6. Overtone singing in VVM mode, melody of "Oh, Susanah" (see the spectrogram) Periodic pulse register , see Paper VI 7. Alternation between pulse register ("fry") and modal voice 8. "Vocal fry" at fo/1,fo/2, fo/3, f0/4, fo/5 & back to 1 Vocal Growl (co-oscillation of vocal folds and epiglottis)-similar to the mechanism used by Louis Armstrong 9. Periodic Growl, in f0/2 and fo/3, with overtone singing Tarogato (wooden saxophone from Hungary) 10.Tarogato(from the theme of Ravel's La Valse) A piece for OBOE called "My Six Marigaux 10499's", recorded in 6 channels 11.6oboes All recordings, excepted by numbers 0 (Gyuto Monks, Tibet) and 4 (Popeye, W. Costello) are performed by Leonardo Fuks |
the THESIS INTRODUCTION - FROM AIR TO MUSIC: Acoustical, Physiological
and Perceptual Aspects of Reed Wind Instrument Playing and Vocal-Ventricular Fold Phonation HTML by Leonardo Fuks Last update 98.12.30 |