Pardon my disfluency: The impact of disfluency effects on the perception of speaker competence and confidence

Ambika Kirkland, Joakim Gustafson, Éva Székely

Interspeech 2023

This demo page contains all samples used in our listening test, synthesized using our spontaneous TTS. They vary in terms of the number and type of repetitions as well as the presence or absence of filled pauses.

The table below shows an example of the different variants. To create the disfluent versions, the highlighted words were repeated with or without FPs (blue in version A, red and blue in version B, green and blue in version C). More detail about the types of repeated words and their frequencies can be found below the samples.

Fluent: Good morning everyone and welcome to the first lecture of Understanding the Early Universe. In this lecture we'll discuss how scientists can measure the echoes of the distant past. Let's start by learning the definitions of some important terms. The number that helps us estimate how fast the universe is expanding is called the Hubble constant. What this constant tells us is that there's a direct relationship between a galaxy's distance and how quickly it's moving away from us.
A: In this lecture we'll [um] we'll discuss how scientists can measure the echoes of the distant past.
B: In [um] in this lecture we'll discuss how scientists can measure the echoes of the distant past.
C: In this lecture we'll [um] we'll discuss how scientists can measure the [um] the echoes of the distant past.

Listening test stimuli

Bear (instructions)


Rep A

Rep B

Rep C

No filled pause
Filled pause

Fire (instructions)

No filled pause
Filled pause

Foraging (instructions)

No filled pause
Filled pause

Navigate (instructions)

No filled pause
Filled pause

Shelter (instructions)

No filled pause
Filled pause

Snow (instructions)

No filled pause
Filled pause

Water (instructions)

No filled pause
Filled pause

Betz (lecture)

No filled pause
Filled pause

Boltzmann (lecture)

No filled pause
Filled pause

Eddington (lecture)

No filled pause
Filled pause

Hubble (lecture)

No filled pause
Filled pause

Kondo (lecture)

No filled pause
Filled pause

Magnus (lecture)

No filled pause
Filled pause

Repetitions and their frequencies of repetition per 1000 words in Clark and Wasow, 1998 [1]
Repetition types and frequencies
[1] H. H. Clark and T. Wasow, “Repeating words in spontaneous speech,” Cognitive Psychology, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 201-242, 1998.