

There is no sound from my computer.

Make sure that everything is mounted and connected according to the manual for the experiment. Test the computer's soundcard by using the supplied PD test program (available under experiments) and follow the instructions.

I can not open textfiles on this website.

Make sure that you have installed Adobe Acrobat Reader. If not: navigate to Links on this webpage and download the software and follow the instruction to install.

How to use the forum in English.

Enter the forum by clicking the Forum link. Click on Bli medlem/Become member located just below the RealSimPLE logo. Then choose Jag accepterar villkoren/I accept the terms. The fill in the first four fields of the form. Användarnamn/Username - E-postadress/E-mail - Lösenord/Password - Bekräfta lösenord/Confirm password - . Now scroll down to Forumspråk/Forum language and choose English. Then confirm by pressing Skicka/Send. Now you can log on to the forum using your registered profile, and view it in English.


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