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Publications in Music Performance at KTHThis is list is not updated. Please check the individual home pages instead2006Dahl, S. and Friberg, A. (forthcoming). Visual perception of expressiveness in musicians' body movements. Music Perception. Friberg, A., Bresin, R. and Sundberg, J. 2006). Overview of the KTH rule system for music performance. Advances in Experimental Psychology, special issue on Music Performance. Friberg, A. (2006). pDM: an expressive sequencer with real-time control of the KTH music performance rules. Computer Music Journal, 30(1), 37-48. Friberg, A., Schoonderwaldt, E., & Juslin, P. N. (forthcoming). CUEX: An algorithm for extracting expressive tone variables from audio recordings. Acoustica united with Acta Acoustica. Juslin, P.N., Karlsson, J., Lindström E., Friberg, A. and Schoonderwaldt, E. (in press) Play it again with feeling: Computer feedback in musical communication of emotions. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied. 2005Bresin, R. (2005) What is the color of that music performance?, International Computer Music Conference - ICMC 2005, 367-370 Camurri, A., De Poli, G., Friberg, A., Leman, L., and Volpe, G. (2005). The MEGA project: analysis and synthesis of multisensory expressive gesture in performing art applications. Journal of New Music Research, 34(1), 5-21 Friberg, A. (2005). A fuzzy analyzer of emotional expression in music performance and body motion. In Proceedings of Music and Music Science, Stockholm 2004. Friberg, A. (2005). Home conducting: Control the overall musical expression with gestures. Proceedings of the 2005 International Computer Music Conference, San Francisco: International Computer Music Association. (pp. 479-482). Goebl, W., Bresin, R., and Galembo, A. (2005), Touch and temporal behavior of grand piano actions, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 118(2), 1154–1165 Laukka, P., Juslin, P. N. and Bresin, R., (2005), A dimensional approach to vocal expression of emotion, Cognition and Emotion, 19(5), 633-653 Lindström, E., Camurri, A., Friberg, A., Volpe G. and Rinman, M.-L. (2005). Affect, attitude and evaluation of multisensory performances. Journal of New Music Research, 34(1), 69-86. Mancini, M., Bresin, R. and Pelachaud, C. (accepted), From acoustic cues to expressive ECAs,Gesture Workshop 2005, VALORIA, Université de Bretagne Sud, France 2004 Bresin, R., 2004, Real-time Visualization of Musical Expression, in Proceedings of Network of Excellence HUMAINE Workshop ``From Signals to Signs of Emotion and Vice Versa'',Santorini, Greece, Institute of Communication and Computer Systems, National Technical University of Athens, 19—23 Dahl, S. and Friberg 2004, Expressiveness of musician's body movements in performances on marimba, in Camurri, A. and Volpe, G. (Eds.) Gesture-based Communication in Human-Computer Interaction, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence Vol. 2915, (pp.479-486), Springer Verlag Goebl, W, Bresin, R., and Galembo A., 2004, Once again: The perception of piano touch and tone. Can touch audibly change piano sound independently of intensity?, International Symposium on Musical Acoustics (ISMA'04), Nara, Japan, The Acoustical Society of Japan, CD-ROM Hansen, K.F. and Bresin, R., 2004, Analysis of a Genuine Scratch Performance, In A. Camurri and G. Volpe (Eds.) Gesture-Based Communication in Human-Computer Interaction, 5th International Gesture Workshop, GW 2003, Genova, Italy, April 2003, Selected Revised Papers, Berlin Heidelberg, Springer Verlag, LNAI 2915, 519—528 Hiraga, R., Bresin, R., Hirata, K. and Katayose, H., 2004, Rencon 2004: Turing Test for Musical Expression, in Proceedings of International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME 2004), Hamamatsu, Japan, Shizuoka University of Art and Culture, 120—123 Juslin PN, Friberg A, Schoonderwaldt E, & Karlsson J. 2004. Feedback learning of musical expressivity. In A. Williamon (Ed.), Enhancing musical performance: A resource for performers, teachers, and researchers. (pp. 247-270), New York: Oxford University Press. Lindström, E., Camurri, A., Friberg, A., Volpe G. and Rinman, M.-L. (in press). Affect, attitude and evaluation of multi-sensory performances. Journal of New Music Research. Rinman, M.-L., Friberg, A., Bendiksen, B., Cirotteau, D., Dahl, S., Kjellmo, I., Mazzarino, B., and Camurri, A. 2004. Ghost in the Cave - an interactive collaborative game using non-verbal communication. in A. Camurri, G. Volpe (Eds.), Gesture-based Communication in Human-Computer Interaction, LNAI 2915, (pp. 549-556), Berlin: Springer Verlag. 2003Bresin, R. and Dahl, S., 2003, Experiments on gestures: walking, running, and hitting, in D. Rocchesso and F. Fontana (Eds.) The Sounding Object, Mondo Estremo, Florence, Italy, 111-136 Bresin, R., Dahl, S., Rath, M., Marshall, M. and Moynihan, B., 2003, Controlling the virtual bodhran - the vodhran, in R. Bresin (Ed.) Proc. Stockholm Music Acoustics Conference – SMAC 2003, Vol. 2: 685—688 Bresin, R., Hansen, K.F. Dahl, S., 2003, The Radio Baton as configurable musical intrument and controller, in R. Bresin (Ed.) Proc. Stockholm Music Acoustics Conference – SMAC 2003, Vol. 2: 689—691 Bresin, R., Hansen, K.F., Dahl, S., Rath, M., Marshall, M. and Moynihan, B., 2003, Devices for manipulation and control of sounding objects: the Vodhran and the Invisiball, In D. Rocchesso and F. Fontana (Eds.) The Sounding Object, Mondo Estremo, Florence, Italy, 271-295 Bresin, R. and Juslin, P., 2003, Real-time Visualization of Musical Expression, Proceedings of ESCOM 5, Hanover, Germany,September 8-9-10, 2003 Canazza S, Friberg A, Rodà A, Zanon P, (2003) Expressive Director: a system for the real-time control of music performance synthesis. in R Bresin (Ed.) Proceedings of the Stockholm Music Acoustics Conference 2003, Vol II pp. 521-524. Dahl, S and Friberg, A (2003) What can the body movements reveal about a musician's emotional intention? in R Bresin (Ed.) Proceedings of the Stockholm Music Acoustics Conference 2003, Vol II pp. 599-602. Fontana F. and Bresin R., 2003, Physics-based sound synthesis and control: crushing, walking and running by crumpling sounds, XIV Colloquium on Musical Informatics (XIV CIM 2003), Firenze", May 8-9-10, 2003 Goebl, W, and Bresin, R., 2003, Measurement and reproduction accuracy of computer-controlled grand pianos, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 114:4, 2273–2283 Goebl, W, and Bresin, R., 2003, Measurement and reproduction accuracy of computer-controlled grand pianos, in R. Bresin (Ed.) Proc. Stockholm Music Acoustics Conference – SMAC 2003, Vol. 1: 155 —158 Goebl, W, Bresin, R., and Galembo A., 2003, The piano action as the performer's interface: Timing properties, dynamic behaviour and the performer's possibilities, in R. Bresin (Ed.) Proc. Stockholm Music Acoustics Conference – SMAC 2003, Vol. 1: 159 —162 Hansen, K.F. and Bresin, R., 2003, Complex gestural audio control: the case of scratching, In D. Rocchesso and F. Fontana (Eds.) The Sounding Object, Mondo Estremo, Florence, Italy, 221-269 Hansen, K.F. and Bresin, R., 2003, DJ scratching performance techiques: Analysis and synthesis, in R. Bresin (Ed.) Proc. Stockholm Music Acoustics Conference – SMAC 2003, Vol. 2: 693—696 Hiraga, R., Bresin, R., Hirata, K. and Katayose, H., 2003, After the first year of Rencon, International Computer Music Conference - ICMC 2003, Singapore, 2003
Lindström, E., Juslin, P. N., Bresin, R., and Williamon, A., 2003, ''Expressivity comes from within your soul´´: A questionnaire study of music students’ perspectives on expressivity, Research Studies in Music Education, 20, 23-47 Mathews MV, Friberg A, Bennett G, Sapp C, Sundberg J (2003) A marriage of the Director Musices program and the conductor program. In R Bresin (Ed.) Proceedings of the Stockholm Music Acoustics Conference 2003, Vol I pp. 13-16. Rinman M-L, Friberg A, Kjellmo I, Camurri A, Cirotteau D, Dahl S, Mazzarino B, Bendiksen B, McCarthy H (2003) EPS - an interactive collaborative game using non-verbal communication. in R Bresin (Ed.) Proceedings of the Stockholm Music Acoustics Conference 2003,Vol II pp. 561-563 Rinman M-L, Friberg A, Bendiksen B, Cirotteau D, Dahl S, Kjellmo I, Mazzarino B, Camurri A (forthcoming) Ghost in the Cave - an interactive collaborative game using non-verbal communication. in Proc of the The 5th international Workshop on Gesture and Sign Language based Human-Computer Interaction, Genoa, 2003 Rocchesso, D., Bresin, R. and Fernström, M., 2003, Sounding objects, IEEE MultiMedia Magazine, April-June, 2-12 Sundberg J, Friberg A, and Bresin R (2003) Attempts to reproduce a pianist's expressive timing with Director Musices performance rules. Journal of New Music Research, 32(3), 317-326. 2002Bresin, R., 2002, Importance of note-level control in automatic music performance, in Proceedings of RENCON 2002 - performance RENdering piano CONtest, Kyoto, 1-6 Bresin, R., 2002, Color feedback in expressive music performance, in Proceedings of ICMPC7 - 7th International Conference on Music Perception & Cognition, Sydney, 14 Bresin, R. and Nettheim, N., 2002, Diplaying the expressive parameters of music performance, in Proceedings of ICMPC7 - 7th International Conference on Music Perception & Cognition, Sydney, 6 Bresin, R., Friberg, A. and Sundberg, J., 2002, Director musices: The KTH performance rules system, in Proceedings of SIGMUS-46, Kyoto, 43-48 Friberg, A. and Battel, G., U. (2002). Structural Communication. In (R. Parncutt & G. E. McPherson, Eds.) The Science and Psychology of Music Performance: Creative Strategies for Teaching and Learning. New York: Oxford University Press, 199-218 Friberg, A, Schoonderwaldt, E, Juslin, PN & Bresin, R. (2002) Automatic Real-Time Extraction of Musical Expression. in Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference 2002 , San Francisco: International Computer Music Association, 365-367. Friberg, A. and Sundström, A. (2002). "Swing ratios and ensemble timing in jazz performance: Evidence for a common rhythmic pattern". Music Perception 19(3), 333-349 Juslin, P. N., Friberg, A., & Bresin, R. (2002). Toward a computational model of expression in performance: The GERM model. Musicae Scientiae specal issue 2001-2002, 63-122. Juslin, P. N., Friberg, A. and Bresin, R., 2002, Computational modelling of different aspects of expressivity: The GERM model, in Proceedings of ICMPC7 - 7th International Conference on Music Perception & Cognition, Sydney, 13 Laukka, P., Bresin, R. and Lindström, E., 2002, The teacher's perspective on expression in music performance: Preliminary evidence from music conservatories, in Proceedings of ICMPC7 - 7th International Conference on Music Perception & Cognition, Sydney, 13 Lindström, E., Juslin, P. N., Bresin, R. and Williamon, A., 2002, Students' views on expressivity in music performance: A questionnaire study, in Proceedings of ICMPC7 - 7th International Conference on Music Perception & Cognition, Sydney, 12-13 Schoonderwaldt,
E., Friberg, A., Bresin, R. and Juslin P. N., 2002, A system
for improving the communication of emotion in music performance by
feedback learning, Journal of the Acoustical Society of
America, (111)5, 2471 Bresin, R. (2001) Articulation Rules For Automatic Music Performance. In A. Schloss, R. Dannenberg, and P. Diessen (EDs.) Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference 2001, San Francisco: International Computer Music Association, 294-297 Bresin, R. & Friberg, A. (2001) Espressive musical icons . In J. Hiipakka, N. Zakarov, and T. Takala (Eds.) Proceedings of the 2001 International Conference on Auditory Display, Espoo, Finland, July 29 - August 1, 2001, 141-143 ( PDF , HTML ) Bresin, R., Friberg, A., and Dahl, S. (2001) "Toward a new model for sound control", In Proceedings of DAFx01 Dahl, S., Bresin, R. (2001) "Is the player more influenced by the auditory than the tactile feedback from the instrument?", In Proceedings of DAFx01 Dahl,S., Arm motion and striking force in drumming, XVIIIth congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Zürich, 8 –13 July 2001 Dahl,S., Arm motion and striking force in drumming, ISMA, Musical Sounds from Past Millennia, Perugia 10-14 September 2001. Goebl, W., & Bresin, R. (2001) " Are computer-controlled pianos a reliable tool in music performance research? Recording and reproduction precision of a Yamaha Disklavier grand piano. " (PDF 703kb ) MOSART workshop on current research directions in computer music , 15-17 Nov 2001, Barcelona Hansen, K., F. (2001). Playing the turntable. An introduction to scratching. Speech Music and Hearing Quarterly Progress and Status Report, 42/2001, 69-79 ( PDF version or postscript ) Schoonderwaldt, E., Friberg, A. (2001). Towards a rule-based model for violin vibrato, In Proceedings of the Workshop on Current Research Directions in Computer Music, Barcelona, 2001 Sundberg J (2001) Expression in music: Comparing vocal and instrumental performance. In I Karevold, H Jörgensen, IM Hanken, E Nesheim, eds, Flerstemmige innspill 2000, NMH-publikasjoner 2000:1, Norges Musikkhögskole, Oslo, 5-19 2000Bresin, R. (2000) Virtual Virtuosity - Studies in automatic music performance. Doctoral Dissertation, Speech Music and Hearing, Stockholm: KTH, TRITA-TMH 2000:9, ISSN 1104-5787,ISBN 91-7170-643-7 Bresin, R. & Battel, G.U. (2000) Articulation strategies in expressive piano performance. Analysis of legato, staccato, and repeated notes in performances of the Andante movement of Mozart's sonata in G major (K 545). Journal of New Music Research , 29 (2000), No 3, 211-224 Bresin, R. & Battel, G.U. (2000) Legato, Staccato, and repeated tones in expressive piano performance. TMH-QPSR, Speech Music and Hearing Quarterly Progress and Status Report, Stockholm:KTH, 2000(1), 61-71 Bresin, R. & Friberg, A. (2000) Emotional Coloring of Computer-Controlled Music Performances. Computer Music Journal, 24:4, 44-63 Bresin, R., & A. Friberg. (2000). Rule-based emotional colouring of music performance. In I. Zannos (Ed.) Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference 2000, San Francisco: International Computer Music Association, 364-367 Bresin, R., & Friberg, A. (2000). Software tools for musical expression. In I. Zannos (Ed.) Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference 2000 , San Francisco: International Computer Music Association, 499-502 Bresin, R., & Widmer, G. (2000) Production of staccato articulation in Mozart sonatas played on a grand piano. Preliminary results. Speech Music and Hearing Quarterly Progress and Status Report, Stockholm: KTH, 2000(4), 1-6 Dahl, S. (2000) The playing of an accent - Preliminary observations from temporal and kinematic analysis of percussionists. Journal of New Music Research, 29 (2000), No 3, 225-233 Friberg, A, Colombo, V, Frydén, L and Sundberg, J (2000) Generating Musical Performances with Director Musices. Computer Music Journal, 24:3, 23-29 Friberg, A., Sundberg, J., and Frydén, L. (2000) Music from motion: Sound level envelopes of tones expressing human locomotion. Journal of New Music Research , 29 (2000), No 3, 199-210 Hamer, M. (2000) All that jazz . New Scientist 23/30 December 2000, 48-51. (An overview of Friberg's measurements on swing) Sundberg, J. (2000) Grouping and differentiation. Two main principles in the performance of music. In T Nakada, ed, Integrated Human Brain Science: Theory, Method Application (Music), Amsterdam: Elsevier, 299-314. Sundberg, J. (2000) Emotive transforms.Phonetica 57, 95-112 Sundberg J. (2000) Four years of research on music and motion. Journal of New Music Res 29, 183-185. 1999Bresin, R. & Friberg, A. (1999) Synthesis and decoding of emotionally expressive music performance , in Proceedings of the IEEE 1999 Systems, Man and Cybernetics Conference (SMC'99), Tokyo, (in press) Bresin, R. (1999) JAPER and PANN : two JAVA applets for music performance included in the CD-ROM "MidiShare: Operating System for Musical Applications", National Center of Contemporary Music - GRAME, Lyon, http://www.grame.fr Friberg, A. and Sundberg, J. (1999) Does music performance allude to locomotion? A model of final ritardandi derived from measurements of stopping runners, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 105(3) pp 1469-1484 Friberg, A. and Sundström, J. (1999) Jazz Drummers' Swing Ratio in Relation to Tempo , Published online as Acoustical Society of America ASA/EAA/DAGA '99 Meeting Lay Language Papers. Fuks,
L., & Sundberg, J. (1999) Using respiratory inductive
pletysmography for monitoring professional reed instrument
performance, Medical Problems of Performing Artists, 14,
30-42. Juslin, PN, Friberg, A & Bresin, R. (1999) Towards a Computational Model of Performance Expression: The GERM Model , presented at the Meeting of the Society for Music Perception and Cognition (SMPC'99), Evanston, USA, August 14-17, 1999 Sundberg, J. (1999) Cognitive aspects of music performance. In I Zannos, ed, Music and Signs, Systematica Musicologica 2, Bratislava: ASCO Art and Science, 219-230. 1998Bresin, R. (1998) Artificial Neural Networks Based Models For Automatic Performance of Musical Scores , Journal of New Music Research, 1998, Vol. 27, No 3, pp. 239-270 Bresin, R. & Friberg, A. (1998) Emotional expression in music performance: synthesis and decoding, in TMH-QPSR, Speech Music and Hearing Quarterly Progress and Status Report , 3-4/1998, Stockholm, pp. 85-94 Friberg, A., Bresin, R., Frydén, L., and Sundberg, J. (1998) Musical punctuation on the microlevel: Automatic identification and performance of small melodic units , Journal of New Music Research, 1998, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 271-292 Sundberg, J (1998) Expressivity in singing. A review of some recent investigations. Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology, 23, 121-127 1996-1997Bresin, R. & Friberg, A. (1997) A multimedia environment for interactive music performance , in Proceedings of KANSEI - The Technology of Emotion AIMI International Workshop, Genoa, Italy, 1997, pp. 64-67 Friberg, A. & Bresin, R. (1997) Automatic Musical Punctuation: A Rule System and a Neural Network Approach , in Proceedings of KANSEI - The Technology of Emotion AIMI International Workshop, Genoa, Italy, 1997, pp. 159-163 Friberg, A. and Sundström, A. (1997) Preferred swing ratio in jazz as a function of tempo, Speech Music and Hearing Quarterly Progress and Status Report, 4/1997, pp. 19-28. Friberg, A., Frydén, L., and Sundberg, J. (1997) A rule for automatic musical punctuation of melodies, In Proceedings of the third triennial ESCOM conference, Uppsala, Sweden, 1997, pp. 719-723 Friberg, A. and Sundberg, J. (1997) Stopping in running and in music performance. Part I. Runner's decelerations and final ritards, Speech Transmission Laboratory Quarterly Progress and Status Report, 1/1997, pp. 67-74 Friberg, A. and Sundberg, J. (1997) Comparing runners' decelerations and final ritards, Proceedings of the third triennial ESCOM conference, Uppsala, Sweden, 1997, pp. 582-586 Sundberg, J., Prame., E., & Iwarsson, J. (1996) Replicability and accuracy of pitch patterns in professional singers, Chapter 20 in P Davis & N Fletcher, ed:s, Vocal Fold Physiology, Controlling Complexity and Chaos, San Diego: Singular Publ Group 291-306. 1995Berndtsson, G. (1995). Systems for synthesising singing and for enhancing the acoustics of music rooms. Two aspects of shaping musical sounds, doctoral dissertation, KTH, Stockholm Friberg, A. (1995). A Quantitative Rule System for Musical Performance , doctoral dissertation, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden Friberg, A., & Sundberg, J. (1995). Time discrimination in a monotonic, isochronous sequence, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 98(5), pp. 2524-2531. Friberg, A. (1995). Matching the rule parameters of Phrase arch to performances of Träumerei : A preliminary study, in A. Friberg and J. Sundberg (eds.), Proceedings of the KTH symposium on Grammars for music performance May 27,1995, pp. 37-44. Sundberg, J. (1995) Acoustic and psychoacoustic aspects of vocal vibrato. (invited paper) In P Dejonkere, M Hirano & J Sundberg, ed.s: Vibrato, San Diego: Singular Press, 35-62. Sundberg, J, Frydén, L & Friberg, A (1995) Expressive aspects of instrumental and vocal performance. (invited paper) In R Steinberg, ed.: Music and the Mind Machine. The Psychophysiology and Psychopathology of the Sense of Music, Berlin: Springer. 49-62. Sundberg, J., Iwarsson, J., & Hagegård, H. (1995) A singer's expression of emotions in sung performance. (invited paper) In O Fujimura and M Hirano, ed:s. Vocal Fold Physiology: Voice Quality Control, San Diego: Singular Press 1995, 217-229 1994Friberg, A., Sundberg, J. & Frydén, L. (1994). Rules for musical performance, in Information Technology and Music, CD-ROM produced by the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Science. Friberg, A., & Sundberg, J. (1994). Just Noticable Difference in duration, pitch and sound level in a musical context, in I. Deliège (ed.), Proceedings of 3rd International Conference for Music Perception and Cognition, Liège 1994, pp. 339-340. Friberg A, Sundberg J & Frydén L (1994) Recent musical performance research at KTH, in J. Sundberg (ed.), Proceedings of the Aarhus symposium on Generative grammars for music performance 1994, 7-12. Battel, G., U., & Bresin, R. (1994). Analysis by synthesis in piano performance: a study on the theme of the Brahms' Variations on a theme of Paganini, in A. Friberg et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the Stockholm Music Acoustics Conference 1993, pp. 69-73. Sundberg, J., Friberg, A. & Frydén, L. (1994). Music and locomotion. Perception of tones replicating force patterns of walking,in A. Friberg et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the Stockholm Music Acoustics Conference 1993 pp. 136-141. Bresin, R. & Vecchio, C. (1994). Analysis and synthesis of the performing action of a real pianist by means of artificial neural networks, in I. Deliège (ed.), Proceedings of 3rd International Conference for Music Perception and Cognition, Liège 1994, pp. 353-354. Bresin, R. (1994). Performance of Musical Scores by Means of Neural Networks, in J. Sundberg (ed.), Proceedings of the Aarhus symposium on Generative grammars for music performance1994 pp. 3-6. 1992-1993Sundberg, J. (1993). How can music be expressive?, Speech Communication 13, pp. 239-253. Bresin, R. (1993). MELODIA: a program for performance rules testing, teaching, and piano scores performing, in Proceedings of the X Italian Colloqium on Music Informatics (CIM), AIMI, Padova. Bresin, R., De Poli, G. and Vidolin A. (1992) Symbolic and sub-symbolic rules system for real time score performance", in Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference – ICMC1992, San Jose, 211-214 Sundberg, J., Friberg, A. & Frydén, L. (1992). Music and locomotion. A study of the perception of tones with level envelopes replicating force patterns of walking, Speech Transmission Laboratory Quarterly Progress and Status Report, 4/1992, pp. 109-122 -1991Friberg, A. (1991). Generative Rules for Music Performance: A Formal Description of a Rule System, Computer Music Journal, 15 (2), pp. 56-71. Friberg, A., Frydén, L., Bodin, L.-G., and Sundberg, J. (1991) Performance Rules for Computer-Controlled Contemporary Keyboard Music, Computer Music Journal, 15-2, pp. 49-55. Sundberg, J., Friberg, A. & Frydén, L. (1989). Rules for automated performance of ensemble music, Contemporary Music Review, 3, 89-109. Sundberg, J., Friberg, A. & Frydén, L. (1991). Threshold and preference Quantities of Rules for Music Performance, Music Perception 9 (1), pp. 71-92. Sundberg, J., Friberg, A. & Frydén, L. (1991). Common Secrets of Musicians and Listeners - An analysis-by-synthesis Study of Musical Performance, in P. Howell, R. West & I. Cross (eds.), Representing Musical Structure, London: Academic press. Carlson, R., Friberg, A., Frydén, L., Granström, B. and Sundberg, J. (1989). Speech and music performance: parallels and contrasts, Contemporary Music Review 4, pp.389-402. Friberg, A., & Sundberg, J. (1986). A Lisp Environment for Creating and Applying Rules for Musical Performance, in P. Berg (ed.), Proceedings of International Computer Music Conference 1986, pp. 1-3. Friberg, A., and Sundberg, J. (1987). Using Rules to Control the Musical Performance, Actes du Symposium "Systèmes Personnels et Informatique Musicale" - IRCAM - Octobre 1986 -. Friberg, A., Sundberg, J. & Frydén, L. (1987). How to terminate a phrase. An analysis-by-synthesis experiment on the perceptual aspect of music performance, in A. Gabrielsson (ed.), Action and Perception in Rhythm and Music, Stockholm: Royal Swedish Academy of Music, Publication No. 55, pp. 49-55. Frydén, L., Sundberg, J. & Askenfelt, A. (1988). Perception aspects of a rule system for converting melodies from musical notation into sound, Archives of Acoustics 13 (3-4), pp. 269-278. Kronman, U. & Sundberg, J. (1987). Is the musical ritard an allusion to physical motion?, in A. Gabrielsson (ed.), Action and Perception in Rhythm and Music , Stockholm: Royal Swedish Academy of Music, Publication No. 55, pp. 57-68. Sundberg, J. & Verrillo, V. (1980) On the anatomy of the ritard: A study of timing in music, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 68, pp. 772-779. Sundberg, J. (1988). Computer synthesis of music performance, in J. A. Sloboda (ed.), Generative Processes in Music. Sundberg, J. and Frydén, L. (1984). Teaching a computer to play melodies musically, Analytica, Festschrift for Ingemar Bengtsson, Publications issued by the Royal Swedish Academy of Music, Nr 47, 67-76. Sundberg, J., Askenfelt, A. and Frydén, L. (1983). Musical performance: A synthesis-by-rule approach, Computer Music Journal, 7, 37-43. Sundberg, J., Frydén, L. & Askenfelt, A. (1983). What tells you the player is musical? An analysis-by-synthesis study of music performance, in J. Sundberg, (ed.), Studies of Music Performance , Publication issued by the Royal Swedish Academy of Music Nr. 39, Stockholm, pp. 61-75. Thompson,
W. F.,Sundberg, J., Friberg, A., and Frydén, L. (1989). The
Use of Rules for Expression in the Performance of Melodies,
Psychology of Music 17, 63-82. |
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